Students who don’t have broadband access are severely disadvantaged during remote instruction, which is part of learning for the next school year. Schools, parents and communities are struggling to pay for a few months of internet access, but we need to recognize we will need a hybrid instruction model moving forward. Learning must take place at school and online at home indefinitely.

So, we have partnered with T-Mobile to provide 12,000 hotspots to our students who do not have access to the internet. T-Mobile’s EmpowerED 2.0 program aims to narrow America’s digital divide by providing wireless devices and service plans to eligible schools and their students.

In this two-year program, students and everyone in their household will have unlimited LTE data. Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliant software is included, and the deal includes Lenovo Chromebooks for the students.

We are passionate about helping to bridge the digital divide. Read a recent op-ed piece by Dr. Caprice Young, our national superintendent.

Written By:
Ann Abajian
Antelope Valleycaprice youngCentral ValleyHigh DesertInland Empirelearn4life high schoolsLos Angelesone pollOxnardpersonalized learningpersonalized learning monthSacramentoSan DiegoSan Fernando Valleytalker researchthrive global